All about Computer

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

What is a computer language?,Why computer understands binary language?.

What is a computer language?.

  • A human language is used to communicate with others and sharing our feelings with others. similarly, a computer language is used to communicate with computers.
  • We knew many languages like English, Hindi, Telugu etc. but computer does not know these languages. Computer knew binary language i.e. language in o's and 1's.

 Why Computer Understands binary language?.

  • Computer is an electronic device. It contains large no.of circuits.  If there is a voltage in a circuit it represents ON state, if there is no voltage in a circuit it represents OFF state. These ON, OFF state represented by binary language 1 means ON state 0 means OFF state.
  • Experts found that Binary language is best suitable for electronic devices.

  • . Binary language also called Machine level language.We and Computers understood binary language. But writing single value/word in binary language is easy,  for large values it will become very complex for humans.
  • To overcome this computer languages invented.
  • A computer language is a high level language (human understandable). We write program/instructions in a language then a compiler/ interpreter converts high level language into machine level language.
Computer Languages: PASCAL, COBOL, FORTRAN,C ,C++, JAVA,.NET etc. 
What is a computer language?,Why computer understands binary language?.

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